June 3, 2024

How to Enhance Your Online Visibility as a Cannabis Dispensary Owner

As a cannabis dispensary, having a marketing plan is an absolutely crucial component in increasing your online visibility. Instead of heading into your online marketing aimlessly, creating a plan canhelp formulate your ideas and attract future buyers.

It’s paramount in today’s day in age ofhighly-competitive search engine optimization gurus and giant marketing conglomerates to increase your online visibility to the best of your ability.

A well-thought-out strategy can allow you tostreamline your social media content, improve relationships with potential buyers, and dramatically improve the way you do business.

Develop an Understanding of Your Audience

One of the most important factors that comes into play for cannabis dispensaries is to understand who your actual target is. The cannabis industry has a wide array of different target audiences, including medical patients and recreational users.

This is where adopting quality market researchcomes into play, as you’ll be able to get a better idea of what different demographics enjoy and what they prefer. Certain strains, production methods, or distribution methods might be more success with different groups - so, being able to make this distinction is key. We want our marketing to coincide withour audiences goals, preferences, and beliefs.

Setting Quantifiable Goals

It’s very easy to get caught up with numbers and to become overconsumed with data points. For this reason, a lot of people abandon goal setting entirely, which unfortunately can come with consequences.

It’s important to set tangible, realisticgoals that can enhance your business, while also remembering that there is more to audience building and creating a social media presence than just numbers on a screen.

Some very simple goals to reach for are increases in viewer count, followers/subscribers, and comments. However, you should focus on building quality relationships with each of your supporters and not become over-consumed with raw numbers. Some of the most successful social media accounts that generate the most revenue actually don’t have the most followers - they are simply able to connect with their audience really well and facilitate the creation of personal relationships with their followers. As a cannabis dispensary, you should be focused on expressing why you are a superior choice to other dispenaries, and how your customer service is more personalized than others.

Utilize Short-Form Content

Short-form content is easily one of the most underutilized means of growing your social presence, as it's very easy to produce and highly effective.

Short-form videos allow you to craft a brand story, going into how your business began, what your goals are, how you conduct your business, and a whole lot more. This is quite possibly the simplest and most effective way to connect with an audience through video format, as the return on your time investment is remarkably high. 

YouTube can also be a fine video format,however a little more difficult barrier of entry to get into. The amount ofediting required to produce a viral YouTube video is a lot higher than say aviral TikTok or Instagram Reel.

Optimizing Your Website

Optimizing your website is one of the more complicated methods of growth, yet also one of the most sustainable longterm. Creating blog content that’s SEO-friendly and full of relevant keywords can take time, yet potentially bring you new clients for decades to come.

Search Engine Optimization, or “SEO”, is the act of priming your website and written content to appease search engines like Google and Bing. It can become overwhelming at first, but platforms like Wordpress or Webflow can be useful to getting your feet wet. It’s important tofocus on valuable content that actually provides a use to your audience, as opposed to just filler-text. You wouldn’t want to read an AI-generated blog about nonsense, so don’t fill your site with it either.

Email Marketing 

Email marketing is another phenomenal means of building your online presence, yet surprisingly is not tapped into very oftenby the cannabis dispensary industry. Releasing relevant pieces of email content once or twice a week is a great way to provide your audience with useful information and build retention long term. A common rule in marketing is the“Rule of 7”, which essentially says that someone needs to interact with a brand 7 times in order to buy something from the brand.

By utilizing email marketing, you can helpbring about those interactions.

Tying Things Together

When it comes to increasing your online visibility as a cannabis dispensary owner, the absolute best thing you can dois focus on quality content and quality relationships. It’s important to be interactive and attentive, as no proper business can grown on autopilot. 

You need to be in the front seat and cultivate an audience of people who believe in what you’re selling, and find a way totarget specific demographics that may prefer certain products or certain branding. It’s important to be communicative and actually ask people what they would like to see, and what they would find useful from you as a creator.

Social media as well as blogging are some ofthe most viable tools to do this, as they can be a straightforward and long-term means of bringing attention to your brand.

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